18.03.2010 09:20 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

TiVo Premiere spotted in Best Buy with March 28th retail date

If the minature box doesn't give it away then the word "Premiere" certainly does. That's the first in the wild shot of TiVo's inaugural Series 4 shifter riding the shelves of Best Buy. We're told that the units are definitely in-house but are being withheld from shelves until March 28th (not the 27th as originally rumored but ahead of the official "early April" date) with a list price of $2,000 to prevent enthusiastic clerks from breaking the street date. So don't go in demanding a $149.99 take home price (MSRP is $299) this morning just 'cause you saw it on Engadget, ok? [Thanks, DS]

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