23.02.2010 20:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com
A New Application from Adobe in April?
We recently reported about the on-going fight between Apple and Adobe, initiated around Flash but expanding to the entire catalog of Adobe. We were also mentioning that it was weird to see some "leaks" of the future CS5 appearing and already announcing most of the long time expected features (Cocoa, 64-bits, etC.) So, the buzz around Adobe applications for the Mac seemed to be rather active, maybe to fire-back against Apple its recent criticisms from Steve Jobs. Well, it seems that Adobe decided to fuel the buzz further and let another set of information leaked prior official announcements: a new rumor indicates that Adobe would launch a new application in April. there is no further details, despite it should be revolutionary and could complement the current CS. We are ready to bet that it will be available on Mac, and maybe the demo will be running on Mac, probably the new Mac Pro
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