23.02.2010 19:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget
The Engadget Show returns this Saturday, Feb. 27th... now with live streaming!
We've heard your pleas, citizens of Engadget, and we are pleased as punch to announce that The Engadget Show taping this Saturday, February 27th at 5pm will be streaming live, direct to you via the internet! We'll be sitting down with Avner Ronen, creator and CEO of Boxee and taking a look at the forthcoming (and very anticipated) Boxee Box. Not only that, but we'll have a Windows Phone 7 Series device on hand for a demo and discussion, you'll be meeting our new investigative correspondent Rick Karr, and we'll have more of the classic Engadget Show shenanigans you've come to know and love. You can also expect good, clean music fr
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