13.11.2009 06:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

DVDs capable of being read in 1000 years time

A number of you know that often a DVD burnt today will be unreadable after a few years. It is not obvious to predict that the majority of what is burnt today will be readable in the far future, however this is not as unlikely as some think. The current situation according to the American public records is in the worst case, the lifespan of a DVD may be only two to five years. Of course, all this depends on the quality of the virgin disk, the quality of the burner and the conditions of storage of the disk. The Cranberry company decided to fix  this breach and offers disks that will remain intact for 1000 years. To arrive at this wonder, they have creates disks whose substrate of data storage is composed of diamond, supposed to be much more unalterable than any other substance. 

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