12.11.2009 12:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

SSH security hole of jailbroken iPhones, we pass to stage 2

Intego announces that they have discovered the second stage in an attacks via SSH of jailbroken iPhones on which it was installed. It acts as a software connected to the iPhone and will transmit the personal data that are stored on the iPhone, such as the address book, the SMS… To be vulnerable, it is necessary to have a jailbroken iPhone, to have installed SSH and not to have changed the default password. It is as necessary to be on the same Wi-Fi network as the computer of the pirate.  Attention, it does not act as a virus or a Trojan horse, but just as a tool that one could use from the terminal under OS X. For the moment, the attacks via this large door opened by the users remain relatively limited in their implications. The real danger will arrive at the moment when it will make use of the telephone service contract of the user to remove some money, that it is by surtaxed SMS or by calling phone numbers that are surtaxed.

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