06.11.2009 17:35 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Security experts in denial on Mac security

Munir Kotadia is a journalist who specialises in internet security - and he’s had enough of security experts continued refusal to simply admit Macs are more secure.“Have you noticed the most popular laptop brand on display at any security conference?,” he writes, “In my experience Apple Macs seem to make up significantly more than the five percent usually attributed to them.”It goes on from there, with his chat with Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee's vice president of threat research, posted below. Read his report where he writes, “For years now I have heard security companies and analysts claim that Apple Macs are just as vulnerable as Windows and the only reason there is virtually no malware for the Mac is because it has such a tiny market share.”He’s not buying it anymore.

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