06.11.2009 00:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Psystar Violates Open Source APSL Licensing Agreement

To defend its position against Apple, Psystar claims that terms of use in Mac OS X licensing are restrictive and block competitors by preventing anyone to install Mac OS X on a non-Apple hardware. So, as a consequence, Psystar is not violating any law by selling PC running pre-installed and legally purchased Mac OS X. The company received support from many users who would be interested in running the famous Mac OS X on their own hardware without requiring to by a Apple-branded model. In other words, Psystar was playing the white knife fighting against the giant to help poor customers. Well, this picture might dramatically changed and could even be fully reversed by a recent discovery. On its website, Netkas, one of the most active members of the Hackintosh community accuses Psystar of violating the APSL (open Source) licensing agreement. He discovered that Psystar DUBL/

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