06.11.2009 00:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Intel Accused of Paying Billions USD to Dell and Others for Preserving its Exclusivity

While some US citizen were complaining against recent legal actions conducted by the European Commission against Intel, today's news indicate that some US authorities are also interesting by illegal business strategies followed by Intel. The state of New York has filed a lawsuit against Intel, accusing the founder of paying billions of dollars to many computer manufacturers to discourage them from integrating AMD CPUs in some of their hardware models. According to the data presented in the claim, Dell alone might have received up to 6 billion USD between 2002 and 2007, helping Dell to post profits despite poor sales As with the legal action initiated in Europe, other companies are suspected to have received large amount of financial support from Intel, such as HP and IBM. Of course, with such information now available and identified by investigation both in USA and EU, the impacted companies openly communicate and claim that they want to collaborate.

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