04.11.2009 21:50 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Update: OS 10.6.2 now working on Atom processors

Last week, there was a bit of a fuss made over prominent Hackintosher Stell's contention that new 10.6.2 beta builds were killing support for Atom chips.  It appears that fears of the loss of Atom's support were unfounded because the latest developer build (10C535) re-enables support for Intel's Netbook processor. Stell says: Wow, didn’t expect to get linked all over the internet for this damn post. Anyways, in the latest development build Atom appears to have resurrected itself zombie style in 10C535. The Atom lives another day, but nothing is concrete until the final version of 10.6.2 is out.

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