03.11.2009 14:36 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Unlimited-limited fail: Orange UK iPhone deal may ban Facebook, Spotify

Hopes that moving into a multi-carrier strategy in the UK would generate a price war have been dashed by Orange’s announcement of price tariffs matching those of O2. Now the story takes a tragic turn, with the revelation that Orange’s terms and conditions for iPhone service suck too much - even use of Facebook and Spotify could be forbidden under these. Not just that, but Orange seems happy to use the word “unlimited” in relation to a limited data service with a 750MB cap (so, like, 375 emails with a picture). While it may be permitted to use that word in that way under UK 21st century doublespeak advertising law may be true, but most of us can tell when unlimited doesn’t mean unlimited.

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