03.11.2009 06:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Did Apple Start to Fight Against Hackintosh

Yesterday, a website was reporting that Apple massively modified CPU related information in Mac OS X 10.6.2 with one direct effect on Hackintosh based on Intel ATOM CPU. According to the website, this was a direct attack against Hackintosh. This site even reported about a forthcoming 10.5.9 that would also break support for ATOM.  Among changes in CPU information, Apple removed the compatibility layer for ATOM in the new kernel. It is true that the number of hackintosh exploded with the release of cheap ATOM-based hardware and the compatibility of Mac OS X 10.5 for ATOM. Some voices on the net start claiming that removing support for ATOM would target Hackintosh on purpose. This is a bit short-minded we think. Indeed, Apple might have included support for ATOM when the CPU became available as the company might have thought to use it in one of its device (Apple TV). But then,

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