Despite the economical crisis, AMD is experiencing a huge success with its new Radeon HD 5xx0. According to different sources, 100,000 Radeon HD 5870 would have already been ordered, and the company is currently unable to provide enough units to satisfy the requests. Graphic cards manufacturers are complaining as the current situation will not improve before several weeks. In addition ATI/AMD as well as NVIDIA have reduced the production of all 55-nm engraved GPU, and so OEM can not get enough 5870 and it becomes difficult to get GPU for HD 4890. Some distributors seem to have some stocks and they are selling RAdeon HD 5870 units way over the recommended price.
AMD can really capture a large market share as NVIDIA does not seem to be able to offer a real competitive product immediately available, so AMD will be alone on the market till the end of the year. Now that Mac OS 10.6.2 provides a real performance gain for Radeon, we are quite excited to be able to test Open CL with a Radeon HD 5870.