26.09.2009 13:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Additional Hints for a New Macs Soon

If we did not receive any additional information concerning new models of Mac to be released soon, several hints indicate that new products are most likely around the corner. Apple seems to be working hard on emptying its stocks for several models. In France, a large distributor (Carrefour) is offering 50 to 100 € discount on iMac, another one (FNAC) is offering rabat on iMac but also on MacBook and Mac Pro. One can also notice that the Refurb Store is now offering iMac and MacBook models.So, either you need urgently one of those models now, and you get most likely get a good deal, or it is urgent to wait if you are not in a hurry for a new hardware.

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