14.08.2009 11:20 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Once bankrupt Psystar forces Phil Schiller, others in deposition as clone case continues

Hopefully none too frazzled following his recent spate of letter-writing, Apple’s marketing chief, Phil Schiller, will be required to offer his deposition in the ongoing Apple versus upstart unlicensed clone maker, Psystar, case. Schiller is just one of several high level Apple employees who Psystar’s “people” will be taking depositions from as they attempt to defend themself against an Apple legal action. Apple has accused Psystar of violating the Mac OS X licensing agreement and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act by installing the operating system on PCs. “We are pleased to announce that an agreement with Apple's counsel was reached earlier this month and we now have the final list of thei

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