11.07.2009 17:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Google Chrome OS: Will Eric Schmidt Have to Leave Apple Board?

The release of Google Chrome OS might change the way Google and Apple interact, and one can seriously question how long will Google CEO Eric Schmidt still be sitting among Apple Board. Android is not really a true competitor for the iPhone device and OS, so there is no real issue here. Chrome OS is now targeting netbook, but for sure it could later on be expanded to other hardware models and then directly compete with Mac OS X. Eric Schmidt is aware of this potentially complicated situation and already announced that he will discuss this topic with Apple executives in order to clearly define how things should evolve in the future. We would not be surprised if he steps back in coming weeks, as a direct competition between Apple and Google, can no longer support Eric Schmidt as member of Apple's board, being then aware of all future developments and strategies planned by Apple.

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