07.07.2009 19:21 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Qik coming to iPhone..maybe for reals this time

If you've been with us awhile, you know we're pretty huge fans of Qik. Qik is simply a video broadcasting app for mobile devices.  The video is sent from the iPhone to Qik.com where it can then be embedded into anyone's website.  It has been running on jailbroken iPhones for over a year but the want to be legit. Qik has been submitting like crazy to the App Store only to be turned away time after time.  Digg founder, Kevin Rose stated it would be accepted last year but unfortunately it got turned down. Now that the iPhone has a video API as well as some more CPU power under the hood, Qik is going to try to submit again. Although we're optimistic, we wouldn't bet on it getting accepted.

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