21.03.2009 19:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Screen Grabs: Nelly Yuki sees Yale acceptance email on BlackBerry Storm

Screen Grabs chronicles the uses (and misuses) of real-world gadgets in today's movies and TV. Send in your sightings (with screen grab!) to screengrabs at engadget dt com. We had a feeling that cast-wide Verizon contract on Gossip Girl would eventually lead to at least one BlackBerry Storm showing up, and sure enough, it's Nelly Yuki proving our assumptions correct. Ms. Yuki made good use of her touchscreen 'Berry too, showing off her Yale acceptance email to her closest pals and one fuming Blair Waldorf. Meanwhile, all the other rich girls get stuck with Verizon's free-on-contract lineup -- what's up with that?Gallery:

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