20.02.2009 20:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Engadget Podcast 134 - 02.20.2009

Hope you brought your cocoa, because this week's Engadget Podcast is an international doozy -- Paul Miller and Chris Ziegler are live on the scene at MWC in Barcelona. Join Josh, Paul, Nilay, and Chris as they run down all the huge announcements from the show, including Windows Mobile 6.5, the HTC Magic, and the amazing OmniaHD. All that plus a show-closing breakdown of Boxee vs Hulu? Yeah, it's gonna be wild. Hosts: Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel, Paul MillerSpecial guest host: Chris Ziegler Producer: Trent Wolbe Song: Don't Stop Believin' 01:01:19 -

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