17.02.2009 11:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Toshiba TG01 hands-on and video walkthrough

While we weren't originally cheering fans of the Toshiba TG01's somewhat odd "stripey" interface, checking it out in person tells a different tale. It actually makes sense and works surprisingly well, and really, there is a reason why we've seen so many Windows Mobile skinning efforts, the shipped interface needs it. Most functions you need can be found in Toshiba's homescreen UI or can be added -- the video demos some of the options for making changes and panel color choices if the default isn't tickling your fancy. This handset is thin and light and makes the iPhone we used for some scale pics look positively chubby -- it's like having a PSP-sized display in your pocket. The 4.1-inch Regza-inspired screen is clear, t

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