17.02.2009 10:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Workhorse Certeza MC10 brings WWAN and ExpressCard to netbook scene

Yeah, we've seen netbooks with integrated WWAN / WiMAX before, but it's still pretty far left on the "uncommon" scale. Workhorse PC, a little known company that generally sticks to making products for governments and educational institutions, is apparently looking to vie for its piece of the netbook pie with the Certeza MC10. Overall, the 10.1-incher is pretty average, sporting an Atom N270 CPU, 1,024 x 600 resolution panel, up to 2GB of RAM, a 4-in-1 card reader, a 1.3 megapixel webcam, WiFi, Bluetooth and a 4- or 6-cell battery. Keeping it differentiated is the inbuilt WiMAX and WWAN options, not t

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