17.02.2009 04:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

modu music jacket with JBL turns your mini-phone into a mini-boombox

We've seen plenty of teensy speakers setups for phones, some wired, some Bluetooth, but the beauty of modu is that in this case, the speakers become the phone. Slip modu into this "music jacket" built by PCH International and you get some surprisingly good sound out of the stereo JBL Odyssey speakers, a quality speakerphone setup, and a regular (if incredibly fat) handset experience to boot. The phone side of the device includes a 2.2-inch display and a 3 megapixel camera with flash, and there's a funky "digital sound meter" for visualizing your noise. The jacket will be available later this year; no word on price, but we expect it will stick with the modu trend of "cheap."Gallery:

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