13.02.2009 12:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Video: Viliv's S5 gets price, March release, and iTunes

We finally have the release and pricing details for the Viliv S5. Up for pre-order on the 24th in Korea, the XP-based MID with 4.8-inch touchscreen will begin shipping locally on March 3rd. Closer to home, the $649 S5 Premium model is scheduled to ship to the US and Europe by the end of March. That configuration will include a 60GB hard disk, Intel Silverthorne-class 1.33GHz Z520 CPU (yes, the very same proc as the VAIO P), GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi, and 1GB of memory. Lesser spec'd models and a maxed-out F-LOG version with a DMB television tuner will only be available in Korea. And know what's great about a MID running XP? You can install pretty much any application you want, including iTunes as demonstrated in the video posted after the break. It's n

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