07.02.2009 15:21 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Philips GoGear Spark gets reviewed: a diamond in the rough

In the world of low-end DAPs, it's incredibly tough to find anything worth its salt. Believe it or not, Philips' GoGear Spark is a so-called "diamond in the rough," with reviewers at CNET noting that the respectable feature set and skimpy price tag ($49 for 2GB; $59 for 4GB) made it a good bet for those scouting a simplistic player for the gym. Specs wise, the 1.5-inch OLED display and "squeezable edges" make for a unique package, and unlike most bite-sized DAPs, navigating this one proved to be doable, if not enjoyable. We're personally a bit more upset by its limited format support (MP3 and WMA only) than these cri

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