03.02.2009 19:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Transcend rolls out high-speed 192GB 2.5-inch SSD drive

It's not exactly the most spacious 2.5-inch SSD drive available, but Transcend's new 192GB model certainly isn't any slouch either and, according to the company, it should be more than fast enough for most users as well. That's due in no small part to its SATA II interface that helps push out read / write speeds of 150MB and 90MB per second, which are further backed up by a latency of just 0.2ms, and some integrated Error Correction Code (or ECC) to ensure that data is transferred intact. No word on a price just yet, but it looks like it should be rolling out any day now, if it's not already. Filed under:

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