It has been a long time we did not include this specific sign between brackets in a news title; we obtained some interesting information from our sources. If Adobe is currently on the stage under the light of news networks after the release of its Creative Suite 4.0 (CS4), Apple is working very hard to update its Pro-oriented video applications. The different versions of Final Cut applications should be updated in couple of months (January?) and among new features, it should include:
- Native support and management of .R3D files (Apple recently made a demo of such function)
- One will be able to generate DPX sequences to transfer them to Cinema Tools
- Final Cut will be able to work in 12- and 32-bits.
- Apple will implement support and management tools for stereoscopic images.
Color 2.0 will support the same function, as well as a new feature named "Color decision list". Later one, with Snow Leopard and computational power linked to GPU resources, the new version o