Source : 02From September 16th, O2 will offer a "Pay & Go" iPhone model based on pre-paid card and a subscription-free system. The First model, an iPhone 3G 8 GB will cost 461 Euros, while the high-end model with 16 GB storage space will be available at 527 Euros.
In addition, the price includes unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi for the first 12 months after activating the bundled iPhone 3G. At the end of the 12 months you can continue to receive unlimited browsing and Wi-Fi for just £10 per month.
It might interest EU customers travelling in UK and not willing to pay roaming cost on their iPhone, so opting for a UK pre-paid iPhone might be a good investment. In addition, it might indicate that O2 expects to have secured enough iPhone 3G units to launch this offer. So, shortage of iPhones might end mid-spetember.
[translation by Linathael]