27.08.2008 09:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

NVidia NVision 2008: Between Brightness and Darkness

Source : TGdailyThe annual NVidia conference, known asNVision is currently taking place, and it is a mix between joy of success and fears for the future. On the bright side, the CUDA and the first applications to benefit from this technology are of course celebrated. The best example is most likely the software TMPGEnc 4.0 (for Windows) whose encoding has been speed up 4.5x thanks to the use of a GeForce GTX 260, compared to the result obtained with a Core 2 Quad 2.66 GHz. On the dark side, the company is facing the issue originating from its defective material used in recent generation of GPUs. At the entrance of the NVision, a group of users were distributing prospectus: This group asks NVidia to launch a general recall for all defect

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