31.07.2008 09:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

The Phone House Will Distribute the iPhone 3G, but NOT Promote It

Hereafter is a mail sent to The Phone House employees indicating that the company will distribute the iPhone 3G (at least in France) from August 21st, most likely at the same time than the Apple Premium Resellers. If one could have imagined that surfing on the wave of the shortage of iPhone, the company will deliver marketing tools to promote the iPhone to consumers. No, They designed a kind of biased table comparing the iPhone to other mobile phone available on the market and associated with different subscription plans offered by Orange and/or SFR (the two leading carrier in France): Samsung F480, Nokia N95 and HTC Diamond Touch. Hereafter is a quote of the message: All those products have specifications higher than those found in the Apple iPhone 3G, especially concerning communication features.They most likely refer to the lack of video in the iPhone 3G, but most of those parameters in the table are quite ridiculous, such as the lack of extension slot, not

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