31.07.2008 09:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Chinese HD-DVD Format Aiming to Compete with Blu-ray.. in China

During the war between Blu-ray and HD-DVD, supporters of the latest format started discussing with Chinese manufacturers to convince them to join the HD-DVD side. Couple of weeks afterwards, a new high definition format was announced, the CH-DVD very similar to the HD-DVD for both media and hardware. If Toshiba dropped the HD-DVD, Chinese did not want to stop the development of their HD copy, nor pay royalties to Sony nor support the financial cost of modifying their production lines. The CH-DVD will have a business life, dedicated to the Chinese market, large enough to be juicy for promoters. The name will also change from CH-DVD to CBHD. However, there is a major problem for manufacturers; there is currently no Hollywood majors ready to accept another HD video format adventure, considering the history of this country regarding illegal copy business and lack of action to fight against counterfeit industry. [translation by Linathae

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