30.07.2008 16:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sony Ericsson's G705 slider leaks onto internet, shows hope for the future

Filed under: Cellphones An undeterred Sony Ericsson appears to have a handsome new slider on its way out in the near future -- according to a slew of pictures leaked to the se4m forums -- meant to sit beside the previously spied (and supposedly forthcoming) Remi. The device -- dubbed the G705 -- will feature GPS, WiFi, a 2.4-inch display, a 3.2 megapixel camera with flash, 128MB of internal memory, and will run atop the A2 software platform. There's not a ton of info to go around right now, but if you hit the read link you can feast your eyes on a wide array of succul

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