30.07.2008 16:21 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Universal Music launches LostTunes music store

 Universal Music has launched a service to compete with iTunes, called Lost Tunes, which is available now in the UK. Naturally, Universal isn't presenting the service as an iTunes threat, and, to be fair, its focus isn't on selling music to everybody. Instead, the new Universal service offers extremely rare single and album tracks from the labels extensive music back catalogue - better still, songs are being sold in MP3 format at a (relatively) impressive 320kbps - so high quality, near lossless audio downloads of tracks you just can't find elsewhere. And all tracks work on any platform, and nearly all devices. Azi Eftekhari, Head of Digital and Media for Universal Music Catalogue told <a href="http://distorted-loop.com/2008/07/30/universal-stabs-itunes-launches-lost-tunes/" target="_blank">Distorted Loop</a>: “We wanted Lost Tunes to replicate the experience

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