30.07.2008 12:06 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Asus on Apple Mac mini attack

 Asus has taken another attempt at Apple, introducing the Windows XP-powered Mac mini alternative, the ASUS Eee Box. Small, quiet and equipped with an Intel processor, the Eee Box costs just £199 (UK), around $300 (US), and ships later this year (in the UK, at least). The Eee Box comes with the option to VESA mount on the back of LCD displays, for "the ultimate minimalist space-saving solution". There's touch sensor buttons and the company has clearly paid a little thought to design, smooth curves and its paperback-thin construction could make this interesting to floating Mac switchers, scared to leave Windows.  Though the choice of XP says a great deal about the current situation for that OS. And there's a Linux version to follow Additional detail: Boot time, 8-seconds; "The Eee Box also supports a range of connectivity options including  

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