30.07.2008 11:05 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

A new iPod Touch around the Corner

When digging into the code of the beta version of Firmware 2.1, some users identified a reference, aka iPod 2,1, corresponding to a non existing product which could well be the future revision of the iPod Touch. Indeed, the first generation iPhone is coded 1,1, the 3G model 1,2 while the current iPod Touch is assigned to 1,1. So it could be a new iPod Touch featuring a GPS function with potentially pre-loaded maps, either from Google or third-parties. One could even imagine that Apple will offer a true navigation application benefiting from the embedded GPS. Especially if one considers that the coming firmware 2.1 is mostly dealing with the GPS function, aiming to improve it further. [translation by Linathael]

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