30.07.2008 09:35 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Something Special in our Future Macs?

According to Apple Insider our future Macs could feature something special on the motherboard which will make them different than other PC, not being 100% Intel-based anymore. This would be based on a chipset but the website does not provide any details. If we look at the opportunity, Apple could either get a specific chipset from NVidia or any other chipset manufacturers (SiS, etc.), or developed its own solution, an expensive and potentially dangerous way. The latest option has advantages and disadvantages: Pro: - Improved performance thanks to new technologies potentially derived from P.A. Semi. - Making Hackintosh history, as the hardware would not be 100% Intel anymore. With a Mac-specific chipset, Mac OS X will not boot on any standard PC hardware anymore (till a hack is found) Cons: - We will be bac

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