30.07.2008 09:23 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Sanyo's XACTI DMX-HD800: the best gets better

Filed under: Portable VideoStep aside HD700, Sanyo just replaced you with its DMX-HD800 720p camcorder. According to Akihabara News who is attending the launch event, the HD800 features a "HUGE step forward in video quality" coupled with reduced noise thanks to Sanyo's 3DDNR filter. Spec-wize, we're looking at an 8.0 megapixel 1/2.5-inch CMOS sensor, SD/SDHC support, 5x optical zoom, 2.7-inch LCD, face tracking, and easier to use drag-and-drop to pull AVC/H.264 video from the camera to your PC. We'll have to wait for the reviews to know for sure but it look

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