30.07.2008 00:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Freecom rolls out Mobile Drive XXS, new "world's smallest" 2.5-incher

Filed under: Storage While it seems inevitable that external 2.5-inch hard drives can only get so small, right now manufacturers look to be intent on doing their best to shave off every last excess millimeter to lay claim to the elusive title of world's smallest. That designation now appears to have fallen on Freecom's new Mobile Drive XXS which, according to the company, is not only 27% smaller than its nearest competitor but, at just 155 grams, the lightest drive of its kind around as well. You'll still get the usual choices of 160GB, 250GB, or 320GB sizes though, along with the requisite bus-powered connectivity, and a handy form-fitting rubber sl

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