25.07.2008 22:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Yahoo Music to close down: DRM matters

Source : ARS TechnicaYahoo suddenly announced his clients that his music store was about to close down. Nothing much serious except their DRM licences management servers will switch off this september 30. This deadline passed, the bought music will be unusable unless one was cautious enough to burn CD's out of it. If you do so, be aware that the double encoding from AIFF and then to MP3 or AAC will cause quality loss. . It is the third time this problem is raised after Sony and Microsoft online stores shut down. Once again to notice that the DRM are only a bother for honest people who didn't want to steal music but end up swindled, not to say robbed. It's about time that the market players who sell protected Music commit themselves to carry on their liscence contract service at least for X years, for people to decide whether or not

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