25.07.2008 18:51 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Brando's USB M.A.D. Game Pad has removable steering wheel because it can, darnit

Filed under: Gaming Let's face it: you don't have nearly enough game controllers and accessories adding to the spaghetti that is your entertainment center. This USB M.A.D. Game Pad gives you the option to remove a little steering wheel for those moments when you're not driving about. Compatible with Windows Vista, XP, and 2000, this Brando product is available for $20. So, why? Apparently this thing is meant for the gamer on the move -- it's small and light, measuring only 4 x 2.5-inches and weighing in at a dainty 3-ounces. As for the size of the steering wheel? It's tiny. Really tiny. For tiny people with tiny fingers. Can you feel th

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