25.07.2008 09:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

A little spyware on the AppStore [updated]

Source : FrenchiPhoneApple has just made an urgent withdrawal of the game Aurora Feint from the AppStore. This game sends to the server of the game editor the entire contents of the address book of the user. The developers had had this good idea with the goal, according to their information, to be able to inform your contacts that you were busy playing. But not only was this " possibility" not well documented, but, the contact information was forwarded unencrypted over the network, which could have been easily intercepted. Notice, this advertisement is good for Apple, being able to serve as a warning with those which would download applications elsewhere than the AppStore. If it could let pass this software in spite of their supposed very strict screening, it will be simple for pirates to hide behind good software a pile of undesirable things. [Update] the software is being returned to t

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