25.07.2008 03:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Ask Engadget: What's the best iPhone 3G alternative?

Filed under: Ask Engadget, Cellphones We know, we know -- this one's going to be a doozie, but it's something that just has to be done. For folks out there too far from the reaches of GSM or simply unwilling to cough up the requisite dough to pay for AT&T's comparatively pricey plans, we figure Kevin's question will hit very close to home: "What is the best alternative for the iPhone / iPhone 3G? I am looking for a touchscreen phone that has most of what the iPhone can provide, such as media and decent web browsing. I am also looking for a device with a lower cost (with or without a new plan). Could you please help point me in the right direction?" Feel free to dish our your best options for GSM and CDMA, particularly if

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