25.07.2008 02:06 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Windows Vista equals New Coke -Forrester Research

According to Forrester Research, Windows vista is the 'New Coke' of Operating Systems.  After being on the market for over a year it still hasn't captured 10% of the enterprise space according to Enterprise Trends: Vista Is Rejected; Mozilla And Apple Make Small Gains by Thomas Mendel, Ph.D.  Other fun facts for Microsoft's flagship operating system: 8.8% Vista Penetration Microsoft says it has sold 180million liccenses (including downgraders) The share of Macs grew to 4.5% in June from 3.7% in January 2008 Linux's share of desktops, meanwhile, fell significantly, to 0.5% in June from 1.8% in January 19.4% of enterprise users are u

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