23.07.2008 07:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Vista does not like SSD disks

Source : CNETEli Harari, owner of Sandisk, in a conference gave a progress report on the SSD disks and their still very weak penetration in the market. He pointed his finger at Windows Vista for which the architecture is completely unsuited to this type of product, which obliges them to develop new controllers specifically intended to thwart these harmful effects. These products would be ready in 2009, a date on which the company hopes for a takeoff of its sales. Even though we are not best placed to defend Vista, we have the clear impression that Sandisk looked for and found a scapegoat to explain its weak market share with the SSD segment in order to divert onto others the dissatisfaction of their investors. However it remains true that there is still very little optimization of the operating systems to get the best of the material on which they are ins

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