23.07.2008 07:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Mobile.me, a new demon for Apple ?

We give you this in the words of Sylvain: A small email to keep you up-to-date with a BIG problem with me.com. Apparently many users (including me) cannot reach their emails any more (nor to send them). Some even saw their emails disappear from the email servers of me.com! (Several years of correspondence…). And it is not obvious how to locally safeguard data stored on a server (which should be backed up by Apple…). The page of support of MobileMe specifies that only 1% of the users are affected, but the complaints have started up on the forums of MobileMe support, and dumbness of Apple on this subject does not do anything to help… 4 days without email, this is much for a service paid at the full price! It is true that this transition is turning into a nightmare for Apple, and especially for the millions of users who were misguided enough to depend too much on this service. [translation by crispin]

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