23.07.2008 07:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

A Macbook Touch in preparation?

Source : MacGenerationAccording to Macdailynews, Apple could bring out in autumn a MacBook Touch, which, for some time, has been called the Tablet Mac. The device would be equipped with a screen the size of the MacBook or a little smaller, and would take the essence of what one has seen with the iPhone; the tactile multipoint screen, an accelerometer, a GPS, together with a Superdrive. Interestingly, it would be able to run the applications intended for the iPhone. This last point remains strange nevertheless; this software has been optimized for a small size screen and would return to displaying on a 13" screen with a lot more pixels. If this announced revolution was based on this, it would disappoint many. [translation by

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