22.07.2008 15:21 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Apple's cut-price Mac plan marks marketshare explosion - analyst

Expect faster, cheaper and better Macs as Apple uses price to maintain its growth spike, the analysts at Needham & Co. said, revealing slightly reduced estimates on the company stock,. Analyst Charles Wolf notes Apple easily beat third quarter consensus estimates, reporting earnings per share of $1.19 on revenues of $7.46 billion, observing, "But the stock was crushed after the release by gross margin guidance that was materially lower than the historic numbers both for the fourth quarter and fiscal 2009. Our take is that Apple wants to continue the Mac's momentum and will use pricing to do so." The purported plan follows a stupendously strong Mac sales quarter, Apple reached 2.5 million unit sales, up 1.5% year-over-year, almost three times the market growth rate.  Apple's proposed fourth quarter margins sent some investo

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