22.07.2008 12:51 Uhr, Quelle: 9to5Mac

Sybase brings Lotus Notes to iPhone 3G

Yet more movement in the enterprise with news today of the Sybase iAnywhere, an enterprise class solution that now lets  iPhone 3G users access wireless email from Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange email systems.  Sybase iAnywhere provided iPhone users with wireless email access to Lotus Domino in a release earlier this year, now its iAnywhere Mobile Office offers iPhone 3G highly secure enterprise email that uses native applications.  “Since the release of our wireless email product for iPhone earlier this year, we have seen strong interest from customers and partners – showcasing the demand for iPhone within the enterprise,” said Terry Stepien, president, Sybase iAnywhere. “We are excited to be part of the iPhone ecosystem and are focused on providing companies the ability to support the iPhone for secure wirel

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