22.07.2008 12:36 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Open Tech's "Mac clone" demonstrates a firm misunderstanding of the law

Filed under: Desktops We don't suppose there's any friendlier way to put this: Open Tech Inc. is setting itself up for an Apple lawsuit, without any of the nice "product people will want to buy" stuff to balance out the equation. See, Open Tech thinks you're an idiot, and that you'll buy one of their "open computers" that can run (gasp!) OS X, XP, Vista or Ubuntu -- just like almost every other PC on the market today. We're guessing they figure that as long as they aren't loading OS X onto the computer themselves, they won't have any trouble from Apple, but that's where they go wrong. In addition to the EULA and copyright allegations, Apple's complaint agai

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