22.07.2008 10:20 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Apple Reports Record Third Quarter Results, As Usual?

It might look like as the usual game, and become expect by investors and analysts, but once again Apple posted record quarter results. If the figures look impressive, the way it is distributed over Mac, iPod, iPhone and software is interesting. First, Apple posted revenue of 7.46 billion USD and net quarterly profit of 1.07 billion USD, while the gross margin was 34.8 %, down from 36.9 % in the year-ago quarter. However, Apple still heavily depends on the local US market, as International sales accounted only for 42 percent of the quarterÂ’s revenue, but this might evolve in the future. Other figures: - 2,496,000 Mac units shipped during the quarter, representing 41 % unit growth and 43 % revenue growth over the year-ago quarter. - 11,011,000 (binary code?) iPods shipped during the quarter, representing 12 % unit growth and 7 % revenue growth over the year-ago quarter. - 717,000 iPhone units old during the quarter, compared to 270,000 in the year-ago-quarter.

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