22.07.2008 08:50 Uhr, Quelle: Hardmac.com

Apple to Introduce a Revolutionary Device Next Quarter

During the conference call following the presentation of Apple financial results, Steve jobs made some comments that will make the web boiling for the next 3 months. You can listen to it via the audio webcast, quickly jump till the 55th minute. He announced that Apple will release innovating products based on technologies and innovations that can not be rivaled. This technology transition will most likely revive our imaginations, but one can already expect that all innovations developed for the iPhone could find their way in a computer (desktop and/or notebook). The reason for announcing this information during the Apple’s conference call discussing Q3 - 2008 financial results is linked to another part of Steve's comment. For the release of this secret product, Apple will have to reduce its margin to 30%, something that many investors might not like as it implies lower revenue. Apple is most likely expecting to

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