22.07.2008 06:06 Uhr, Quelle: Engadget

Audi unveils enviable MMI for upcoming A8 sedan

Filed under: GPS, Transportation For the acronym-challenged, Audi is getting serious about its Multi Media Interface. The automaker's present system is widely regarded as the best of the best already, but it's staying one step ahead of itself with the revamped version prepped for the A8 luxury sedan. Within the whip, you'll find a 7-inch LCD with an 800 x 480 resolution alongside a DVD drive, 40GB internal hard drive, Dolby Digital 5.1 support, optional analog / digital TV tuner, Bluetooth, twin CPUs (800MHz and 500MHz), NVIDIA graphics for "genuine 3D maps" and an optional (but necessary, really) Audi Music Interface for c

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